2024년 6월 11일 화요일

NK T cell lymphoma of the GI tract

1. NK T-cells

- NK cells are a subset of lymphocytes that mediate innate immunity and regulate adaptive immunity via cytokine secretion and cytokine activity.

- The activation of NK cell function is a result of the integration of activating and inhibitory signals delivered by NK cell receptors.

- Cells can become sensitive to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity for various reasons, such as loss of MHC class I expression or upregulation of surface molecules in response to DNA damage or stress, which can occur as a result of infection or transformation.

 2. Extranasal NK/T-cell lymphoma

- An Independent disease entity

- Poor survival outcome 5YSR = 37.9% ~ 45.3%

 3. GI NK/T-cell lymphoma

- One of the most aggressive lymphomas

- Endoscopic evaluation: assessment of morphology and pathologic diagnosis

- Endoscopic findings in cases with primary NK/T-cell lymphoma of the GI tract?

 4. Endoscopic findings of GI NK/T-cell lymphomas

삼성서울병원에서 진단한 NK T-cell lymphoma 사진을 모아서 발표한 바 있습니다. 사진을 소개합니다. 상부 6 증례, 하부 5증례였습니다.

예상되었던 바대로 예후는 매우 나빴습니다.


CD 3, T-CELL : Positive in tumor cells
Ki-67 : Positive in 60% of tumor cells
Cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) : Positive in disrupted gastric gland
CD 20, L26 : Negative in tumor cells
TIA-1, T cell : Focal positive in tumor cells
CD 30 : Negative in tumor cells
CD 56 : Negative in tumor cells
CD 8, (Leu-2a) : Negative in tumor cells
CD 4, (Leu-3a) : Positive in tumor cells
Epstein-Barr virus : Positive in tumor cells

 이화여자대학교 증례보고

 대장내시경. 고령. 체중감소와 혈변. 병리: Extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type, EBV (+)

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